We specialise in the provision of Fractured Reservoir, Structural Geology and Geomechanics services to the Energy Industry

Please contact us now for expert advice

Ogilvie Geoscience Ltd was set up in 2016 to provide Fractured Reservoir and Structural Geology interpretation services to the Energy Industry. We have over 20 years of International experience across a wide variety of structural styles in NW Europe, U.S.A, Caspian Sea/Georgia, Asia, N Africa and the Middle East.

Flyer: services and projects worked 2023


  • Structural Geological Interpretation

  • Section Restoration/Geological Modelling

  • Structural Core Description

  • Fault Seal Analysis

  • Fracture Reservoir Studies/In-Situ Stress Analysis

  • Reviews, Data Acquisition, Appraisal/Development Plans

Shear Fractures on Folded Sandstone Bed, St Andrews E Beach, UK.