Sheet Model for Karst Fractures

Karst topography in limestone forms as a result of dissolution of calcium carbonate by rainwater. There are vast limestone pavements of these structures in the Jebel Shams area of Oman (Fig. 1). There is a distinctive pattern of blocks surrounded by joints/fractures (Fig. 2). The solution enhanced fractures are often called grykes and the blocks called clints.

Figure 1. Karst topography in Jebel Shams, Oman.

Figure 1. Karst topography in Jebel Shams, Oman.

Figure 2. Karst-related fractures in Limestone, Jebel Shams, Oman. Note the sheet-like matrix blocks, numerous calcite veins, shells and branch-like marks (bottom centre) which I think are stromatolites.

Figure 2. Karst-related fractures in Limestone, Jebel Shams, Oman. Note the sheet-like matrix blocks, numerous calcite veins, shells and slickenlines.

Note that the blocks are rectangular in shape so we can use a simple sheet model (Fig. 3) to derive fracture porosity and permeability.

The fracture aperture in the subsurface should be a lot less but even the 0.2 mm that I used here is a bit on the small side. Anyway, it’s just to illustrate the calculation. So, using the nomograph for the sheet model on Fig. 4 and 0.2 mm aperture, a spacing width of 6 m we get a porosity of 0.003 % and a permeability of 0.1 D.

We get the same porosity result if we simply divide aperture by spacing and multiply by 100 (working in cm):

Fracture porosity = aperture/spacing * 100

= 0.02/600*100 = 0.003 %.

In conclusion, a simple sheet model can be used to relate fracture aperture to spacing/width, porosity and permeability when the matrix blocks are rectangular - as is often the case with regional fractures.

There’s really no need to build a computer model to derive the fracture porosity and permeability - and an uncertainty range can be put together by varying the aperture and spacing. Reiss (1980) has provided nomographs for other models such as matchsticks, cubes with 1 ineffective fracture direction and cubes (cases B - C in Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Four geometrical relationships between matrix blocks and the fractures that separate them: A) sheets, B) match sticks, C) cubes with one ineffective fracture plane, D) cubes. Reiss (1980).

Figure 3. Four geometrical relationships between matrix blocks and the fractures that separate them: A) sheets, B) match sticks, C) cubes with one ineffective fracture plane, D) cubes. Reiss (1980).

Figure 4. Nomograph (Reiss, 1980) for the sheet model in Fig. 3 which relates fracture porosity, permeability, spacing and aperture.

Figure 4. Nomograph (Reiss, 1980) for the sheet model in Fig. 3 which relates fracture porosity, permeability, spacing and aperture.


Reiss, L.H. 1980. The reservoir engineering aspects of fractured formations.