Fault Framework

Impact of Relay Ramps

Impact of Relay Ramps

Relay ramps can create communication between fault blocks during an oil field development. Here we look at some examples and other types of segmentation which occur in weaker rocks.

Picking Faults in Wells

Picking Faults in Wells

Faults are usually picked on seismic data. Given that small faults can be as important in field development, well logs should be checked for evidence of faulting.

Here we look at common fault-related explanations for thickness variations between wells and how to create a simple cumulative dip plot of bedding to detect faults.

Deformation Bands, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland

Deformation Bands, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland

Deformation bands can compartmentalise reservoirs, causing challenges for hydrocarbon production. Here we look at the New Red Sandstone on Arran which is host to an impressive network of deformation bands.