Slckenlines are scratches on a fault surface caused by faulting (shear movement). They are key to spotting natural fractures in rock core.
Fault Propagation Folds
Identifying Fracture Swarms
Fault Zone Terminology
Picking Faults in Wells
Faults are usually picked on seismic data. Given that small faults can be as important in field development, well logs should be checked for evidence of faulting.
Here we look at common fault-related explanations for thickness variations between wells and how to create a simple cumulative dip plot of bedding to detect faults.
Deformation Bands, New Red Sandstone, Arran, Scotland
Drape Fold Traps
Polygonal Faults Explained
Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan
Deformation Bands, Permian Ssts, Norway
Fold-Related Fractures
Importance of Fracture Roughness
Scottish Unconformities: Arbroath
Construct Fault under Rollover Anticline
Rollover anticlines are common types of folds in extensional basins. The shape of the rollover is related to the shape of the underlying listric fault. This is useful to know as the fault may be poorly imaged.
Here we describe a simple (by hand) construction that can be performed on a seismic section - to reduce interpretation uncertainty